Friday 31 August 2012

Why plastic surgery in Thailand is more attractive than in the West

Plastic surgery in Thailand is cheap and affordable compared to popular Western countries which may explain why more and more people are making the trip abroad in order to improve their image. Plastic surgery Thailand costs much less than in Western countries and thanks to rising healthcare in the West and long wait times it is no wonder that Thailand, whilst being a popular tourist destination in its own right, is fast becoming a booming industry for plastic surgery also.

Many people who make the trip find that procedures that would cost thousands of dollars in their home country cost much less and provides them with a higher level of service that only plastic surgery in Thailand can provide. Many tourists actually find that plastic surgery Thailand can help improve their image when they return home not only on the cosmetic level.

We all know that beauty is skin deep but more and more people are getting botox or liposuction or tummy tucks so that they too can look like the famous people portrayed in the media. Plastic surgery in Thailand does not necessarily consider the same self-image from the West to be the same exact standard in Thailand. Sure, there are plenty of beautiful singers, actors and actresses, but they look more natural than their Western counterparts.

In fact there is some debate that they look quite non-Thai. If you watch the Thai TV soap operas, or any Thai TV, on your travels to Thailand you see adverts for whitening cream wherever you look and the people advertising it have clearly had plastic surgery in Thailand in some way because there is no way that without plastic surgery Thailand their skin would be quite so white or the tummies would be quite so tucked.

The ironic thing is that without plastic surgery in Thailand the majority of Thai actors or actresses would look as they do in a traditional Thai soap opera. That is to say dark skinned but unfortunately you could argue that there is a caste system in Thailand and that those who are born with dark skin undertake plastic surgery in Thailand in order to make their skin whiter.

To the average tourist plastic surgery Thailand offers a cheap and more affordable way for them to undertake surgery that would otherwise be out of reach back home to due medical bills or expenses or silly having to wait too long and the heat of the country may make them think that plastic surgery in Thailand, to make skin whiter or more Western in some way, may be a little crazy as those with white skin, when living or visiting countries with a hot climate are more susceptible to sunburn or skin cancer. There is no question that plastic surgery Thailand is an affordable way to make yourself look better whilst also getting the chance to visit an amazing country also. You will be amazed at the price reduction on the most common.

 If you would like to know more about Naravee plastic surgery in Thailand then please click here for more details.Our team of internationally trained doctors and nurses we are able to perform a wide range of plastic and cosmetic surgical procedures.

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