Monday 30 July 2012

Why Medical Tourists Are Coming To Bangkok For Facelift Surgery

So you ask why anybody would decide to take a long multi-hour flight to undergo Facelift surgery in a Third World country? For starters how about the low cost along with highly skilled, board certified surgeons and top quality medical facilities. Medical Tourism in Bangkok is definitely on the rise even with a sluggish economy because Bangkok, Thailand has so much to offer. Medical needs are always in demand and prices in the West don’t show any sign of coming down. Bangkok based are the expert service providers when it comes to arranging Cosmetic and Facelift surgery

If you would like to know more about getting a facelift in Thailand, then please visit our facelift Thailand at for more information

Preparing for Breast Augmentation in Thailand The Right Way

It is important to note that breast augmentation in Thailand is not about adding implants to a woman's chest. This procedure actually helps women achieve a firmer and fuller chest without the need for additional implants. It is an ideal surgery for women who have seen their breasts sag due to breastfeeding or other factors and wish to restore the elasticity and firmness they had in their youth. Women who have had breast cancer can also avail of breast augmentation in Thailand. This procedure is as close to being a time machine for women's breasts as possible given the current level of technology.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Cosmetic Surgery Crisis in UK

At the Naravee Aesthetic Center in Bangkok, we always perform psychological evaluations. This two-step process is an essential element in ensuring that patients are sure of what they're doing. We give them time to evaluate their decision and provide advice. In the UK, over 30% of clinics failed to provide a service we consider to be basic.

If you would like to know more about getting cosmetic surgery in Thailand, then please visit us.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Breast Augmentation In Thailand: Enjoy The Role Reversal In Facilities

In a country that is renowned for affordable cosmetic surgery, breast augmentation in Thailand is one of the most requested procedures in recent times. This is because of the major increase in the number of medical tourists who come to Thailand seeking affordable surgery performed by top notch medical professionals. Thailand’s tourist rate increased by more than 10% between 2009-2010 with the aforementioned medical tourists the main reason for this. Thailand has always been a popular destination for foreign visitors but it stagnated for a few years. However, once it became known that breast augmentation in Thailand and other cosmetic procedures were reliable, safe and far cheaper than in the west, millions of people have traveled abroad, refusing to stay at home and get ripped off.

Sunday 1 July 2012

ASPS Admits Flaws In Australian Cosmetic Surgery

Recently, the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) warned citizens about going abroad for cosmetic surgery. In their opinion, the risks are too high. They would much prefer that you stayed at home and had your cosmetic procedures there. It has absolutely nothing to do with the money the industry loses.