Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Why Cosmetic Surgery in Thailand is a Multi-Million Dollar Business

Not only is cosmetic surgery in Thailand popular among medical tourists, it is also utilised by native Thais. It is estimated that surgery clinics in Thailand earn more than 20 billion baht each year, a number that is growing; not least because of local patronage. Thailand has come a long way in 15 years. Back in the 1990s, customers and surgeons would sneak into the backroom of a clinic or hospital to carry out the procedure. Now, there are seemingly clinics everywhere as plastic surgery in Thailand is not only tolerated, it is seen as a vital part of the nation’s economy.

The growth of cosmetic surgery in Thailand shows no signs of slowing down either as it revenue from such procedures rose an estimated 33% in a 12 month period from 2010-2011 and it is expected to grow at a rate of 15-20% per year for the couple of years at least. As at 2012, there were approximately 350 cosmetic surgery clinics in Thailand and we would expect this figure to rise as Thais understand just how lucrative this business is.

It is a fact that the world has changed to one where cosmetic surgery is no longer taboo; it is socially acceptable and men and women alike want to have a straighter nose, flatter stomach or simply to look more physically attractive. Studies have suggested that improving one’s physical appearance does help promote enhanced self-esteem and cosmetic surgery in Thailand is now affordable to people from all over the world. The advent of affordable airline tickets and package deals simply adds to the allure.

Opening a clinic to offer cosmetic surgery in Thailand is not an inexpensive affair however. It is not unusual for clinics to spend 100 million baht to refurbish a building to improve its standard. This is a sign that Thailand’s medical tourism boom is only beginning and the various government initiatives designed to help the industry are an added bonus. 

If you are looking for cosmetic surgery in Thailand please visit

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