Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Why Cosmetic Surgery in Thailand is a Multi-Million Dollar Business

Not only is cosmetic surgery in Thailand popular among medical tourists, it is also utilised by native Thais. It is estimated that surgery clinics in Thailand earn more than 20 billion baht each year, a number that is growing; not least because of local patronage. Thailand has come a long way in 15 years. Back in the 1990s, customers and surgeons would sneak into the backroom of a clinic or hospital to carry out the procedure. Now, there are seemingly clinics everywhere as plastic surgery in Thailand is not only tolerated, it is seen as a vital part of the nation’s economy.

The growth of cosmetic surgery in Thailand shows no signs of slowing down either as it revenue from such procedures rose an estimated 33% in a 12 month period from 2010-2011 and it is expected to grow at a rate of 15-20% per year for the couple of years at least. As at 2012, there were approximately 350 cosmetic surgery clinics in Thailand and we would expect this figure to rise as Thais understand just how lucrative this business is.

It is a fact that the world has changed to one where cosmetic surgery is no longer taboo; it is socially acceptable and men and women alike want to have a straighter nose, flatter stomach or simply to look more physically attractive. Studies have suggested that improving one’s physical appearance does help promote enhanced self-esteem and cosmetic surgery in Thailand is now affordable to people from all over the world. The advent of affordable airline tickets and package deals simply adds to the allure.

Opening a clinic to offer cosmetic surgery in Thailand is not an inexpensive affair however. It is not unusual for clinics to spend 100 million baht to refurbish a building to improve its standard. This is a sign that Thailand’s medical tourism boom is only beginning and the various government initiatives designed to help the industry are an added bonus. 

If you are looking for cosmetic surgery in Thailand please visit

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Liposuction Bangkok Shine Like A Bright Starts

I’m back again and looking better than ever!  My liposuction Bangkok was a great success and I managed to spend a few days soaking up the sun on a remote Bangkok island too!  When I returned back home I really was the envy of everyone and that meant that not only did I look great but I felt great too!  My kids even said that this was the first time I looked happy in a long time and all it took was a plane ticket to Bangkok and a cosmetic surgery procedure to do that.  But I am not endorsing having a liposuction Bangkok as the solution to all your problems, far from it, this should only be done if you really feel you will benefit from it or require it.  After the bitter divorce I went through I started piling on the pounds, as you do, and it took me a while to realise how dangerous this was to me and my health and that I had to stop.

Whilst having liposuction Bangkok I met with my doctors after the initial conference and they measured me and made sure that the liposuction they would do is the best one for me in my situation.  I had no idea that there were so many different types of this procedure, you really would not know unless you took the time to research it and I was ultimately grateful to all the doctors and staff on the hospital I was at for my liposuction Bangkok as their service really was second to none and in some respects it was far superior to what I was used to back home and the total price was also a pleasant surprise to me also as it actually cost less than what I had originally saved for and anticipated.  But am I now advocating cosmetic surgery?  Far from it, I believe that you should have it if you feel that you require it for health reasons but I am not one who will go under the knife at any given chance.  The facelift and liposuction I had in Bangkok were one offs and I am not sure if I will repeat it, not due to the service or care (which was superb) but because it gives a bad idea to my kids who are at the impressionable age. 

I do not want to give out the idea that this is acceptable, it is to be used only when justified but not for any other time.  I look and feel great now and I could not have done this without having done what I did but at the end of the day I am still the same person underneath.  What I am trying to say is that I am grateful for the liposuction I had in Bangkok and all that it entailed but I never let it change the person I was, and still am.  Stay safe and take care and I will write more for you all later.

If you would like to know more about Naravee Aesthetic Center we offers liposuction procedures that are far less expensive than the cost of surgery at home. While you are here in Bangkok, Thailand please visit us at

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Cosmetic Surgery Thailand Helping Everyone

When you think of cosmetic surgery and all the places in the world you can go to have it then Thailand most likely will not make your top ten of places.  Everyone wants to have cosmetic surgery Thailand the most luxurious place possible to complement their new look and usually money is of no object either which is why you see movie stars and famous sporting personalities undergoing regular cosmetic surgery treatment in the most exotic of locations.  This may all be about to change though with Thailand doing its best to become a major player in the cosmetic surgery Thailand arena and when you look at how it is managing to do this you have to wonder why no-one else is doing it.  For one thing Thai people are very customer service oriented and friendly.  They want to help you, they want to please you and show that they can do a great job and there is perhaps no better area for this mindset then cosmetic surgery.  When you combine this way of thinking with an area that requires the highest level of standards, service and care then you really have a winning combination.

You only have to take a look online at some of the cosmetic surgery providers in Thailand to see that they are serious about providing the best level of care and satisfaction and they even manage to do that with prices that are far less than the West also and you have to wonder how they manage this too.  It is all about the economy as obviously the cost of living in Thailand is much cheaper than in the West in many respects which transfers to all areas including surgical procedures.  When you consider that Thailand is, in one way, like the US when it comes to medical insurance (meaning you must pay for the care instead of like on the NHS in the UK where it would be free) it means that many people are quick to tar Thailand with the same brush and accuse it of providing healthcare with exorbitant costs but this is not the case.

If you compare, like for like, a cosmetic surgery procedure from the US and one from Thailand then even with the cost of flights to and from Thailand the price of the procedure overalls is still less than in the USA.  So when you factor that you have to ask yourself why pay more when you do not have to?  Sure, many people will pay more just because they do not have to leave their own country but if you can save money and get the same level of care in a completely different country then surely it makes sense to give it a try?  More and more people are realizing this and waking up and that is why Thailand is now becoming one of the top providers when it comes to cosmetic surgery Thailand meaning that the West may soon be playing catch up to the East and places such as Thailand and this may not be a bad thing at all.

If you're interested in cosmetic surgery Thailand a lot of people choose Thailand for cosmetic surgery, or plastic surgery to get a much more affordable price visit one of Naravee's clinics in Bangkok to have their cosmetic surgery procedures performed. Please browse through our company and look at the procedures we offer.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Plastic Mac Can Be Plastic Surgery Thailand?

When people talk about plastic surgery they are usually just referring to people but the actual term can be used to describe anything whose appearance has altered in some way.  The way that you can describe the front of a car as having had a facelift if the manufacturer changes the look of the latest model to their most popular line.    But in fact, when you look at it, many objects and non-humanoid things have plastic surgery all the time, from the latest designs in smartphones to the hottest shoes and jewelry.

You may be wondering what this has to do with plastic surgery as most people know it and the point that is being made here is that the term, plastic surgery, may not mean that someone looks that different from how they did before.  The term is thrown around too loosely and often in the wrong context also.  For example, one magazine article described the latest laptop from a well known manufacturer as having had a facelift from the early nineties.  In the early nineties plastic surgery could never have achieved what it can do now so that statement is rather false.

People all look different and some want to keep on changing their appearance like a sculptor modeling with clay and thanks to the likes of plastic surgery and places such as Thailand where they are trying to make it as affordable as possible for everyone then becoming the new you is most certainly an option.  The providers of plastic surgery Thailand pride themselves on their skills and techniques as well as their attention to detail and level of service also.  Thailand is a very service minded country so when you add plastic surgery, where service is key, you will understand why more and more people are travelling to Thailand to undergo plastic surgery whilst also saving money for themselves in the process.  Because countries are able to offer this to people it means that more and more people need no longer be outcast if they have disfigurements or ailments that be corrected with plastic surgery.  Plastic surgery in the west may have a bad name and reputation in some cases but in the east it seems to be used more wisely and responsible and if only the west could adapt the same way of thinking and operating then everyone would benefit from this.

Ultimately you really should love the skin you are in but, in the case that you do not, or you feel you need a little touch up or improvement then by all means take a look at Thailand for your next holiday destination.  Not only is Thailand famous for its great beaches but, thanks to services offered for plastic surgery Thailand also you can soon be on the way to a brand new you and the look that you have always wanted of having.  The only limit is your imagination and all this will be done safely and by the book because no other place, except Thailand, seems to take as much care, attention and pride when it comes to plastic surgery.  Go ahead, treat yourself.

If you would like to know more about plastic surgery Thailand you can be sure that you will get the highest quality of service at Naravee from the moment you walk through one of our clinics doors and consult with one of our leading expert doctors then please click here to read more.

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Breast Augmentation Thailand A Question Of Faith

Breast augmentation, it could be argued, may only be successful in certain countries due to the size of the assets of the respective women of that country.  It is this shortsightedness that has led to many people not really seeing the benefits of this process and why millions of women have breast augmentation Thailand with successful results each and every time.  But many women are actually scared to have breast augmentation due to the fact that they feel it may then label them as the usual bimbo celebrities who have the same procedure to just get attention.

Many people though do not see the main benefit of any form of cosmetic surgery, be it liposuction or breast augmentation is to look better.  If you look better then you feel better.  If you feel better and look better then you are more positive and have a better outlook on life.  If you consider breast cancer and the women that sadly fall prey to it you have to understand that the offer of breast augmentation Thailand is something that they will definitely be glad for as it allows them to regain some semblance of themselves.

But it is a question of faith in terms of going through with the process or not.  Breast augmentation is not for all women and obviously it can suit some women better than others but either way it is a conscious decision that the woman makes and the benefits and advantages, for best result, must outweigh the disadvantages.  Many people are scared of cosmetic surgery in case it goes wrong and they are permanently scared and such.  In truth cosmetic surgery is safer now than it has ever been thanks to advancements in medical technology and procedures.  Breast augmentation Thailand has provided many successful results for women, both Thai and foreign, and it has gone to show how far advanced Thailand is when it comes to medical technology and also shows, time and again, how deeply the patient is cared for and how much service and patient care comes first compared to anything else when it comes to serving people and providing them a service.

So if you are looking for the best place for breast augmentation then look no further than Thailand.  You only have to visit one of the many vast shopping centres and experience the level of customer service that they provide to see that, when this level of service, care and attention is moved to the medical sector, that Thailand can provide care that rivals anything that the west has to offer.  This is why, for places such as Thailand, medical tourism and the likes of breast augmentation Thailand play a vital role in generating revenue for the economy of the whole country.  As long as the west continues to offer the likes of breast augmentation at scarily high prices people will always seek the cheaper option and this is why Thailand will always remain a premier destination, not just for tourists on a holiday, but for those who are interested in the likes of breast augmentation and want the highest quality whilst not paying the highest prices.

If you would like to know more about Naravee Clinic a wide range of breast augmentation procedures right from our clinic located in Bangkok, Thailand then or you have any questions or concerns about a chosen procedure or Thailand itself please feel free to visit us.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Liposuction Thailand-Have An Experience While Saving A Fortune

 The more one considers liposuction Thailand, the more it makes sense. If you’re reading this article, you’re probably from the West in a country like the United States, Canada or England. Aren't you fed up with having to pay inflated prices for everything? Don’t you believe that the existing minimum wage structure is something of an insult to hard working people? To cap it all off, these countries expect you to pay in the region of $7,500 for a procedure that costs approximately 30% of the price in another country. Liposuction Thailand is the way to go if you need to shed stubborn fat but can’t afford the insane fees associated with hospitals in the West.

Yet medical facilities in the West aren't content to allow you easy access to liposuction Thailand. They want you to stay and spend all your money. To do this, they start exaggerating and downright lying. ‘Thailand is a cesspit, it’s a nation lacking order, a place where only the destitute roam’. Residents of inner city areas in major Western cities and those who live in America’s mid-west where the alleged wealth of the nation is nowhere to be seen may emit a cynical laugh. It’s amazing that certain nations are quick to point the finger at others whilst conveniently ignoring their own problems.

Is the crime rate in Thailand any higher than in the United States? The dramatic reduction in crime in Bangkok says no. Is Thailand a nation gripped by poverty in comparison to the mighty Western nations? The increasing rate of tourism in Thailand suggests that poverty may be overstated, certainly in comparison to the United States with its record levels of debt, unemployment and social exclusion. Is Thailand a nation on the verge of political collapse? A constitutional monarchy with the same king on the throne since 1950, a national assembly, house of representatives and senate indicates stability. Any other reasons why you shouldn't have liposuction Thailand?

If a procedure in Thailand is $5,000+ cheaper than in the West, surely the quality of work can’t be the best? Actually, this is completely false. The cost of living in Thailand is significantly lower than in the West. As a large portion of the cost of cosmetic surgery consists of a surgeon’s fee, the smaller fee charged by Thai surgeons pays a major role in the inexpensive nature of liposuction Thailand. The relatively low cost of living also explains the propensity of Thai clinics to be filled with eager, exceptionally well-trained staff, clinics which are a health and safety officer’s dream and delicious food and beverages which cost a pittance by Western standards.

If you feel the need to remove excess fat but aren't interested in paying excess cash, choose liposuction Thailand. The clinics, nurses and surgeons provide you with everything you need. Not only that, the recovery period is like an extended vacation as you get to choose five star meals, world class beaches and entertainment the like of which you’ll never see back home. Liposuction Thailand is not just a procedure, it’s an experience.

If you would like to know more about Naravee Aesthetic Center one of the premier cosmetic plastic surgery clinics located in Bangkok, Thailand and If you have any questions or concerns about a chosen procedure or Thailand itself please feel free to contact us.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Cosmetic Surgery Thailand Building A Better You

Cosmetic surgery is not only for the rich and famous to look even more rich and famous but it also has many other valid and legitimate uses also.  Take victims of accidents who need reconstructive surgery or burns victims.  Both of these kinds of people undergo what can be classed as cosmetic surgery in a bid to make them look normal again.  Too many times cosmetic surgery is known just for making people look younger but if you take the time to look at some of the real uses that benefit people’s lives and enrich and empower them you will realise that cosmetic surgery has a very valid place in society.

However what is not understandable is why such procedures cost so much are only available to the elite few.  Essentially those who can afford it.  This means that people try to follow their idols and that is why more and more people want to look like the people they see in movies or on TV or in magazines.  This gives cosmetic surgery a bad rap and false rep in the sense because it looks like you only need cosmetic surgery if you are wealthy.  This is no longer the case thanks to the likes of medical tourism and places such as Thailand which is leading the way in cosmetic surgery Thailand and making it more affordable and accessible to its people and to tourists too without diluting the service or care.

Making cosmetic surgery more affordable and accessible is definitely a good thing as it removes the stigma that the majority of people cannot afford it.  They actually can if they look to places like Thailand which are pioneering cosmetic surgery in Thailand and provide the technology and care and service that is just as good as what is expected in the West.  This will mean that not only does Thailand get a good reputation as one of the top cosmetic surgery providers but it also means that more people travel to Thailand for treatment and discover how beautiful a country it is and how friendly the people are which boosts tourism for Thailand too.  Most importantly though it means that with the influx of people coming to Thailand for cosmetic surgery the West may start re-evaluating its stance on cosmetic surgery in terms of accessibility and pricing which means that everyone ends up winning.

It is because the West provides cosmetic surgery to the select who can afford it and at prices that the majority cannot afford that Thailand is simply taking their pick of customers because they provide attractive procedures and unparalleled care and attention for all their clients.  You only have to look at the superb recovery rooms that Thailand provides to see that they take patient care very seriously and in many respects, because of that, it makes Thailand the premier place for cosmetic surgery because the more people have access to it and the more it is accessible then the happier the customer, the greater the demand and the benefit for Thailand and all concerned.

If you would like to know more about Naravee cosmetic surgery Thailand  then please think of us a lot of people choose Thailand for plastic surgery, or cosmetic surgery to get a much more affordable price, because of this, every year patients from all over the world visit one of Naravee's clinics in Bangkok to have their plastic surgery procedures performed.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Plastic Surgery Thailand–New Look

Plastic surgery Thailand need not cost the Earth and so if you are looking for a way of undergoing plastic surgery and you either find it too expensive in your home country or it is not covered by your medical insurance (most of the time this true) then you may want to look in to the burgeoning industry that is medical tourism.  Medical tourism is essentially when you visit another country for a medical process that is usually much cheaper than it is back home and not only are you saving money but you are also getting a holiday in the process when it comes to your recovery also.

When you look at medical tourism that way the most obvious question becomes not when you will undergo the plastic surgery you have always dreamt of but where you will go to have it.  There are many places to go such as India or Korea where it may prove cheaper to have but one other place that offers just as much benefits in terms of plastic surgery, as well as being on the forefront of the latest medical technologies in this field, is Thailand.  Thailand is not somewhere that you would usually associate when it comes to plastic surgery but this is vastly changing due to the fact that medical tourism is providing a boom in the economy for the country and also an increase in tourists too which is definitely not a bad thing.

Thailand offers the usual range of plastic surgery procedures, be it breast enlargement or reduction or a nose job or a tummy tuck all carried out in the strictest of care and at the highest level when it comes to trained professionals and technology used.  Many people seem to think of Thailand when it comes to anything technological as lagging far behind the West but plastic surgery Thailand is just as good as you would expect in the West, if not better.  And with lower prices too and a much higher level of professionalism and care it makes sense for you to start looking in to medical tourism if you never considered it before.  Once you get used to the idea that Thailand is well known for providing excellent customer satisfaction when it comes to plastic surgery it makes medical tourism look all that more attractive.

There are many different providers of plastic surgery Thailand but all of them are committed to providing the best service and the most affordable price and with highly skilled surgeons at your disposal there really is no reason now to put off this plastic surgery procedure you have been wanting for so long.  This means that you too can soon be on your way to a brand new you and a brand new look at the fraction of the cost which will put a smile on anyone’s face and when it comes to plastic surgery that is definitely not a bad thing at all so maybe it is time you started seeing yourself for who you really are and then plastic surgery Thailand can help make your new look become a reality.

If you would like to know more about Naravee plastic surgery Thailand then please view more information our team of internationally trained doctors and nurses we are able to perform a wide range of plastic and cosmetic surgical procedures.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Why You Should Have A Facelift Thailand

The idea of having a facelift Thailand doesn’t appeal to many people until they discover the many advantages. There is no doubt that various cosmetic procedures are becoming increasingly popular. People are fed up with the aging process robbing them of their youthful appearance. More than 100,000 people in the United States alone had facelifts in 2009 with spending estimated at more than $662 million. That’s great news for American surgeons you would think. But they are worried about the prospect of people going overseas for their surgery. In fact, it’s already happening with tens of thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of others traveling overseas for a facelift Thailand.

A closer look at the above statistics reveals an interesting pattern. Facelift procedures in America have dropped more than 30,000 from their 2000 level. This is coincidentally the same year that the World Health Organization placed Thailand just 10 places below America in terms of healthcare. Suddenly, Americans decided that it was worth traveling to have a facelift Thailand in order to save up to $5,000 in some cases. As medical tourists flocked to the Thailand, they saw a country in the midst of change. They witnessed amazing improvements in the healthcare system, world class medical facilities with highly trained surgeons tying everything together.

Plastic surgery clinics in Europe and America are losing business at a rapid rate. If we are to use the above statistics, American plastic surgery clinics have lost at least $200 million worth of business on facelifts alone within the last 10 years. The rate in which they are losing customers is increasing with 10,000 less facelifts performed in 2009 than in 2008. So, where are they all going? They are having a facelift Thailand of course! Yes, there are other countries renowned for medical tourism such as Panama which offers procedures for approximately $2,500. Yet Central American nations have not yet caught up with Thailand in terms of quality.

Although it’s always tempting to save a few thousand dollars, you must be aware that a facelift is not something you should compromise on. This is why such a procedure shouldn’t be performed in Central American countries just yet. They may have made improvements but they pale in comparison when placed beside Thailand. When you have a facelift Thailand, you will be taken care of by the skilled hands of someone possessing the same level of training as surgeons in England, Italy and America, mainly because Thai surgeons study side by side with Western surgeons in Europe and the United States.

Aside from having a safe surgery which helps knock years off your appearance as well as making you feel better than ever, you will have a speedy recovery in a clinic that contains state of the art everything. Once you’re ready to leave the clinic, there are a host of entertaining activities for you to engage in once you’re ready for them. Indeed, an increasing number of medical tourists return to Thailand for a regular holiday within a year of their surgery.

If you would like to know more about Naravee facelift in Thailand the term ‘face lift’ is a term which is often synonymous with cosmetic surgery and is one that is familiar to most people. Made popular by Hollywood stars it is now one of the fastest growing cosmetic surgeries please visit our website.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Facelift Thailand - Right where it belongs

After the initial consultation was over I started to look at flights.  I had been emailed the price in total and I was pleasantly surprised because it turns out that, like the internet said, having a facelift Thailand was not as expensive as I thought it would be after all.  Even when I factored in the price of flights and a hotel and recovery time I still came out better on the other end.  It would have cost me a ton for my private medical insurance to cover such a procedure.

I decided, even though I knew I would have my facelift Thailand, my flight tickets and hotel were booked and the hotel, luckily, was near to the hospital and they even said that they would assist me when I arrived and would make sure that I made it to my appointment on time.  All I had to do now was right until it was time for my departure and then I would jet off in to the sunset and to say I was excited would be an understatement.

I was pleasantly surprised by this service.  It seems that this is not uncommon and that many tourists come to Thailand for a medical holiday and so the hotels have deals with all the major hospitals to ensure the patients arrive at their appointments accordingly and vice versa.  I read that this was a growing industry so it makes sense that it is all connected to ensure that everyone involved is happy with what they want.  I guess that is the sign of great customer service.  I was told that I could pay a deposit to the hospital now and then pay the rest when I arrived so I set about doing that.  It was quite a struggle doing this with my bank but we managed to do it and, although it took some time, everyone was happy and the deposit was made.  They told me that my room had already been reserved for me and that it comes with a great view and full room service.  I had to remind them that the rooms made me think of a hotel and when they said that they take patient care very seriously I was ecstatic, my home country offered nothing nearly as close to this in terms of comfort and care.

Did I already mention that I am looking forward to this procedure?  I just know that I am in safe hands and I am getting more and more excited by the minute, I feel like I am 16 years old again and have not been this happy for a very long time, I really cannot wait.  I whole heartedly recommend this to anyone who is even remotely considering having this procedure performed.  You will receive care and comfort from the start and will feel so pampered that you will think you are royalty.  I know that was how they made me feel and I loved absolutely every minute of it.

If you would like to know more about Naravee facelift in Thailand the term ‘face lift’ is a term which is often synonymous with cosmetic surgery and is one that is familiar to most people. Made popular by Hollywood stars it is now one of the fastest growing cosmetic surgeries please read more information.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Tummy Tuck Thailand - Always Full

Did you know that, in the world of cosmetic surgery, the surgeon is king?  People travel far and wide to go under the knife in pursuit of their better half in the sense that they feel that they are imperfect and so require correction in some way.  I am not sure why people would do this or what circumstances would require it.  I can only think of, in terms of procedures, the tummy tuck which would be used on those who were obese or women who had child bearing scars and wished to hide them.  This gives a valid reason for the medical tourism industry and a great reason to hop on a plane to an exotic country and have the procedure done with the best medical care that is available at a fraction of the cost that you would expect.

I actually read a story that this happened and the patient was so grateful to the doctors in Thailand and the due diligence that they had provided that they made the interesting point of why their own country did not treat them with the same level of respect and with the same standard of care.  Because of success stories such as this there is no wonder then that medical tourism is the new in thing and that people are asking for these trips instead of the latest gadgets as the birthday or Christmas gift.  Medical tourism allows everyone to have an equal say over their body and how they want to look and does not make people feel left out due to not being eligible or the costs.  For example a normal tummy tuck in the home country of the patient will be a silly amount of money as it would mean that the patient usually has to go private and that means that a lot more excessive fees are involved.

For the same price or less the patient can simply have a tummy tuck Thailand instead and experience the wonder and joy of Thailand as a tourist destination at the same time which means that everyone is a winner.  I recently spoke to a patient who had had such a procedure over in Thailand and they had nothing to say about it except for positives.  I then decided that I too would benefit from such a procedure and  I have actively started looking in to this so  that I can learn more about medical tourism in general and what kind of procedures are offered.  I would probably start off with an easy technique though which is where a tummy tuck Thailand would come in.

But this is a huge business and is a big attraction for many people who otherwise would not have access to such procedures and technology and it means that the playing field is level and, thanks to medical tourism, your new body never looked more affordable.  The happier you are look on the outside the more you feel it on the inside also and that is another plus point for the benefits of medical tourism and procedures such as the tummy tuck.

If you would like to know more about Naravee Tummy Tuck Thailand an abdominoplasty, otherwise known as tummy tuck, is a procedure which removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen. If you have any questions or concerns about a chosen procedure or Thailand itself please feel free to read more information.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Liposuction Thailand Female of the species

It was long believed that, in terms of cosmetic surgery, the majority of procedures were taken up by women and not men.  New research has determined that, not shockingly, men have cosmetic surgery too and that, again, not surprising, liposuction tops the list.  This tells us far more about the life of the male than we really need to know really  as it insinuates that the majority of men are obese or overweight in some way and so are turning to liposuction to beat the bulge instead of healthy eating and exercise.

Medical tourism is a huge boon in Thailand and one of the most popular procedures done is liposuction and it also one of the safest too.  You only have to look at some of the foreign residents to see why.  Many decide to have liposuction on the advice of their doctor in their home country (where obesity is at near epidemic proportions) but many require it due to the change in lifestyle that takes place in the male of the species when they get off the plane.   It seems that many tourists who come to Thailand switch off their common sense module and instead switch on the ‘drink alcohol’ endlessly all day and night portion of their brain instead.  It is no surprise then that a popular Thai website, populated by foreigners living there, issued a poll asking if they had gained weight more since arriving.

The answer was a resounding yes, although there were those who sensibly saw this change coming and started getting more and more in to exercise instead.  But it is not the alcohol alone, it is the lifestyle in general and, for many men in Thailand, lifting a glass of beer is their only exercise of the day, apart from the obvious other wrist action.  Maybe I am being stereotypical but, for these people, liposuction is probably more necessary and I am sure they have the money for it; it is just a lifestyle choice that they choose to grow old with the girth.  I am sure that all current medical institutions offering liposuction Thailand will be laughing all the way to the bank, foreigners have long been thought to be missing a few brain cells and maybe this confirms it.  Either way, thanks to these kinds of people, liposuction is alive and well and making a killing.

Women are also having liposuction Thailand but not to the same extent as males.  It seems that even popular celebrities have done so also.  The reason it is usually needed is because people do not exercise and just let themselves go to the point of extreme and then, having more money than sense, just book an appointment and get the fat removed.  This is obviously not the best solution in any way as there can be complications and such and it can prove costly if you need multiple procedures.  Either way, liposuction Thailand seem to be staying at number one for the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure and you have to wonder why this is, food for thought, just try not to gorge on it too much.

If you would like to know more about Liposuction in Thailand Ultrasound technology literally liquefies the fat, which allows for greater precision and vastly superior results then please visit Naravee Clinic.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Tummy Tuck Thailand - Safe tax haven

 I recently read an article that said that, in the West, people try to claim back anything they can when it comes to taxes and sometimes this even includes cosmetic surgery procedures.  I had to wonder at this and why it would be done.  Medical tourism is a massive industry and growing more and more rapidly thanks to the superb medical service provided and fantastic after patient care that is provided afterwards.  Not only that but all the latest technologies and techniques are performed and the surgeons are all fully qualified.

When you add all that up you can understand that more and more people are turning to medical tourism for their cosmetic surgery needs and this has led to resurgence in the tried and tested procedures such as the tummy tuck.  Having a tummy tuck Thailand, thank to medical tourism, and all the methods above, is one of the safest procedures you can have.  You will be guided through every step of the process and told exactly, at every point, what you need to do or what will happen and you will feel as if you are a VIP with the amount of treatment and care they give you.  Tummy tucks are one of the safest and most common methods of cosmetic surgery on the market today, enjoyed by both men and women for health and personal reasons.

When you add one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures with one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, and a torch bearer for medical tourism, then you can easily see why more and more people are seeing the attractiveness of a having a tummy tuck Thailand.  The process is straightforward and you will be back on your feet in no time, looking and feeling better than ever.  It helps that you get to recover in patient rooms that are more at home in a hotel and also that you have doting staff at your every whim that really do genuinely care about you.  Thailand prides itself on the personal touch it gives to its patients when it comes to medical procedures and those who have ever experienced cosmetic surgery in Thailand, be it a tummy tuck, facelift or liposuction, will always say how good it is and how pleased they were to have thought of this idea.

The only question then is why you have not decided upon it yet?  If you think cost is an issue then you will be pleased to know that medical tourism and the average cost of having a tummy tuck Thailand is far cheaper than if you went privately in your home country, and this includes the price of the flight tickets also.  And so the sooner you get used to the idea of how beneficial medical tourism is then the sooner you can have the perfect tummy tuck Thailand and be on the way to a better and healthier and happier you which is what we all deserve.

If you would like to know more about Naravee Tummy Tuck Thailand an abdominoplasty, otherwise known as tummy tuck, is a procedure which removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen. If you have any questions or concerns about a chosen procedure or Thailand itself please feel free to read more information.