Sunday, 24 June 2012

Why Thailand Now Surpassed Singapore In The Cosmetic Surgery Stakes

Medical tourism has really taken off over the last few decades as people from the United States and various European nations finally came to realise that
(1) They are getting ripped off at home 

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Buttock Implants Give You A Posterior Like Kim Kardashian!

A perfect example of this is the buttocks. When show business bombards us with images of women like Shakira, Beyonce and Kim Kardashian and their curvy and shapely posteriors, millions of women around the world look on enviously. 

Monday, 18 June 2012

Breast Augmentation Bangkok, Thailand

Breast Augmentation Bangkok, Thailand

Breast augmentation involves undergoing surgical procedures which involves the use of implants and other corrective procedures such as skin flaps. The purpose of breast augmentation surgery is to enhance and correct various facets of a woman’s breasts.  A successful breast augmentation procedure will leave the patient with a firmer and fuller bust which is sure to inspire confidence as well as turning heads. Breast augmentation procedures in Western nations are extremely expensive, especially in comparison to Bangkok, Thailand. This cost is way beyond what most women can afford.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Rules To Live By When Having Cosmetic Surgery In Thailand

When you are having cosmetic surgery in Thailand, you need to be aware of a few codes of behavior in order to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. People have cosmetic surgery in Thailand because they can save thousands of dollars on the procedure, even when all other expenses are taken into account. Travel agents have a field day as approximately 16 million people visit Thailand each year, an increasing number of whom are medical tourists. When you are in Thailand, you need to do your best to respect the culture and mannerisms of the Thai people. After all, it is their country and you are merely a guest.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

The Right Conduct When Having Cosmetic Surgery In Thailand

There are two ways to ruin cosmetic surgery in Thailand, failure to listen to your surgeon by living an unhealthy lifestyle in the lead up to your procedure and deliberately breaking Thai rules of etiquette and behavior. When you are in a different country, you have a duty to yourself to act in a socially acceptable manner and Thailand is no different. It is strange to hear some foreigners complain about having to adhere to alternative cultures and mannerisms. The basic rules of etiquette in Thailand are little different to those in other developed nations. It really is little more than a question of being polite and respectful. Achieve this and your vacation will be as big a success as your cosmetic surgery in Thailand.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Face Lift Procedures in Bangkok Thailand

Face Lift in Bangkok, ThailandThe term ‘face lift’ is a term which is often synonymous with cosmetic surgery and is one that is familiar to most people. Made popular by Hollywood stars it is now one of the fastest growing cosmetic surgeries.
A Face Lift is a safe, effective and fast procedure. Everyday there are more face lift procedures performed around the world and surgeons offer a wide range of options to get this procedure done with excellent results.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Liposuction Thailand

LipoSelection Is the latest, third generation ULTRASONIC liposuction technique that is designed to virtually eliminate bleeding during surgery and to reduce inflammation and bruising. Ultrasound technology literally liquefies the fat, which allows for greater precision and vastly superior results. Instead of using a scalpel to remove fat, the skilled surgeons at the Naravee Aesthetic Center in Bangkok, Thailand, will use lasers to quickly and flawlessly remove the unwanted fatty tissue.