Wednesday, 18 January 2012

More Myths About Liposuction In Thailand

Liposuction in Thailand is possibly the most misunderstood cosmetic surgery procedure available. There are a cavalcade of myths associated with liposuction in Thailand. Believing these myths could be harmful to your health as well as your bank balance! One myth is that liposuction in Thailand is for individuals who are excessively overweight. The theory goes that as liposuction removes the fat from your body, you can literally become half the man or woman overnight. Not so. Having more than 10 pounds of fat removed in a single day via liposuction is unsafe. Also, in the event that an obese person has a significant amount of fat removed. Statistics show that extremely overweight people who have liposuction regain a large percentage of their fat within 12 months. Therefore, liposuction is best utilized on someone looking to remove stubborn fat from their body. It’s also assumed that liposuction in Thailand involves a lengthy recuperation process. It’s hard to decipher where that myth came from but Thai clinics like Naravee have a variety of new and exciting liposuction procedures including Vaser technology. If you have Vaser liposuction, you will be in and out of the surgery in the same day. Your recovery period is minimal and you’ll be able to enjoy the sights and sounds of Thailand for the duration of your stay. This is why it’s a good idea to have the liposuction soon after arrival. Read more

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Liposuction Thailand

Liposuction in Thailand is very affordable and advanced. We offer the latest VASER liposuction fat removal procedures.

Facelift Thailand

Facelift Procedures Bangkok, Thailand FaceLift is very happy to welcome you to your single stop source for having you plastic surgery dreams come true! For several years now has helped literally hundreds of people worldwide acquire their perfect body shape, enhanced appearance, skin tightness and the overall health improvement they deserve and are desiring to have. The specialists at will be able to accomplish this for you and there will be no doubts you'll be amazed at how safe, easy and simple it all can be. We can make what might seem like an overwhelming time of major stress including traveling to a foreign country an actual stress free experience!