Undergoing a facelift in Thailand is not the painful torture experience you may think it is compared to having the procedure done in your own country but there are a few things you can do to help prepare yourself for the procedure if this is the first time you have ever undergone or thought about cosmetic surgery in some way. Having a facelift is one of the safest and most popular cosmetic surgery procedures available on the market today but you can help prepare yourself for the procedure with a few tips which we will give you in this article.
Naravee Aesthetic Center is a premier plastic surgery clinic located in Bangkok, Thailand. We provide vaser liposuction, breast augmentation, nose surgery, botox, facelift and much more!
Monday, 5 November 2012
Monday, 22 October 2012
Plastic Surgery in Bangkok – The third gender gets one true voice
Thailand is home to what is known as 'the third gender', people who are men trapped in women's bodies and vice-versa. These kind of people feel trapped and confused and are often unhappy with their life and that has lead to a rise in plastic surgery in Bangkok for those wishing to have a sex change and who want to be the gender that they always though they should be.
Friday, 31 August 2012
Why plastic surgery in Thailand is more attractive than in the West
Plastic surgery in Thailand is cheap and affordable compared to popular Western countries which may explain why more and more people are making the trip abroad in order to improve their image. Plastic surgery Thailand costs much less than in Western countries and thanks to rising healthcare in the West and long wait times it is no wonder that Thailand, whilst being a popular tourist destination in its own right, is fast becoming a booming industry for plastic surgery also.
Many people who make the trip find that procedures that would cost thousands of dollars in their home country cost much less and provides them with a higher level of service that only plastic surgery in Thailand can provide. Many tourists actually find that plastic surgery Thailand can help improve their image when they return home not only on the cosmetic level.
Many people who make the trip find that procedures that would cost thousands of dollars in their home country cost much less and provides them with a higher level of service that only plastic surgery in Thailand can provide. Many tourists actually find that plastic surgery Thailand can help improve their image when they return home not only on the cosmetic level.
Monday, 13 August 2012
Surgeons Want The Breast Results More Than Their Patients
A recent article states that women who have breast reduction theory rate their experience of the process as 'good’ to 'very good'.
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
We can Rebuild Him (Or Her!)
There is no doubt as to the popularity and necessity of cosmetic surgery in modern society. After all, who does not want to look beautiful and show of their ribs at the same time? It's a win-win for all concerned.
Monday, 6 August 2012
Plastic surgery Thailand - what does it offer?
Many people only think of procedures such as botox or tummy tucks thanks to the media that portrays these procedures as being socially acceptable. And whilst plastic surgery in Thailand offers these procedures it also offers a lot more besides the most common procedures.
For the ladies there is breast reduction/lifting or augmentation and it costs only a fraction of the price it would do back home. Make no mistake that plastic surgery in Thailand is the key to being the real you. If you are dreaming of that cosmetic procedure but are scared of the health costs then it pays to research how popular plastic surgery in Thailand is becoming. Each year tourists are coming to Thailand, not only for the beaches or the nightlife but also to take advantage of the superb health service, particularly plastic surgery in Thailand.
For the ladies there is breast reduction/lifting or augmentation and it costs only a fraction of the price it would do back home. Make no mistake that plastic surgery in Thailand is the key to being the real you. If you are dreaming of that cosmetic procedure but are scared of the health costs then it pays to research how popular plastic surgery in Thailand is becoming. Each year tourists are coming to Thailand, not only for the beaches or the nightlife but also to take advantage of the superb health service, particularly plastic surgery in Thailand.
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
Saving Money To Save Your Skin
Medical tourism is now becoming a big business and it is no surprise that many people, usually from countries with medical insurance that has to be paid for, and/or paid for at an exorbitant price, are travelling to countries where the same procedures cost less money in order to make themselves look better.
But we have all seen the movies where it goes wrong and the patient looks like something even Frankenstein would not look twice at so the question here is has technology and time changed for the better? An example of the cost savings can be seen on open-heart surgery.
If you would like to know more about getting plastic surgery in Thailand, then please visit our website.
Monday, 30 July 2012
Why Medical Tourists Are Coming To Bangkok For Facelift Surgery
So you ask why anybody would decide to take a long multi-hour flight to undergo Facelift surgery in a Third World country? For starters how about the low cost along with highly skilled, board certified surgeons and top quality medical facilities. Medical Tourism in Bangkok is definitely on the rise even with a sluggish economy because Bangkok, Thailand has so much to offer. Medical needs are always in demand and prices in the West don’t show any sign of coming down. Bangkok based FaceLiftThailand.net are the expert service providers when it comes to arranging Cosmetic and Facelift surgery
If you would like to know more about getting a facelift in Thailand, then please visit our facelift Thailand at http://www.faceliftthailand.net for more information
Preparing for Breast Augmentation in Thailand The Right Way
It is important to note that breast augmentation in Thailand is not about adding implants to a woman's chest. This procedure actually helps women achieve a firmer and fuller chest without the need for additional implants. It is an ideal surgery for women who have seen their breasts sag due to breastfeeding or other factors and wish to restore the elasticity and firmness they had in their youth. Women who have had breast cancer can also avail of breast augmentation in Thailand. This procedure is as close to being a time machine for women's breasts as possible given the current level of technology.
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Cosmetic Surgery Crisis in UK
At the Naravee Aesthetic Center in Bangkok, we always perform psychological evaluations. This two-step process is an essential element in ensuring that patients are sure of what they're doing. We give them time to evaluate their decision and provide advice. In the UK, over 30% of clinics failed to provide a service we consider to be basic.
If you would like to know more about getting cosmetic surgery in Thailand, then please visit us.
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Breast Augmentation In Thailand: Enjoy The Role Reversal In Facilities
In a country that is renowned for affordable cosmetic surgery, breast augmentation in Thailand is one of the most requested procedures in recent times. This is because of the major increase in the number of medical tourists who come to Thailand seeking affordable surgery performed by top notch medical professionals. Thailand’s tourist rate increased by more than 10% between 2009-2010 with the aforementioned medical tourists the main reason for this. Thailand has always been a popular destination for foreign visitors but it stagnated for a few years. However, once it became known that breast augmentation in Thailand and other cosmetic procedures were reliable, safe and far cheaper than in the west, millions of people have traveled abroad, refusing to stay at home and get ripped off.
Sunday, 1 July 2012
ASPS Admits Flaws In Australian Cosmetic Surgery
Recently, the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) warned citizens about going abroad for cosmetic surgery. In their opinion, the risks are too high. They would much prefer that you stayed at home and had your cosmetic procedures there. It has absolutely nothing to do with the money the industry loses.
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Why Thailand Now Surpassed Singapore In The Cosmetic Surgery Stakes
Medical tourism has really taken off over the last few decades as people from the United States and various European nations finally came to realise that
(1) They are getting ripped off at home
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Buttock Implants Give You A Posterior Like Kim Kardashian!
A perfect example of this is the buttocks. When show business bombards us with images of women like Shakira, Beyonce and Kim Kardashian and their curvy and shapely posteriors, millions of women around the world look on enviously.
Monday, 18 June 2012
Breast Augmentation Bangkok, Thailand
Breast Augmentation Bangkok, Thailand
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Rules To Live By When Having Cosmetic Surgery In Thailand
When you are having cosmetic surgery in Thailand, you need to be aware of a few codes of behavior in order to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. People have cosmetic surgery in Thailand because they can save thousands of dollars on the procedure, even when all other expenses are taken into account. Travel agents have a field day as approximately 16 million people visit Thailand each year, an increasing number of whom are medical tourists. When you are in Thailand, you need to do your best to respect the culture and mannerisms of the Thai people. After all, it is their country and you are merely a guest.
Sunday, 10 June 2012
The Right Conduct When Having Cosmetic Surgery In Thailand
There are two ways to ruin cosmetic surgery in Thailand, failure to listen to your surgeon by living an unhealthy lifestyle in the lead up to your procedure and deliberately breaking Thai rules of etiquette and behavior. When you are in a different country, you have a duty to yourself to act in a socially acceptable manner and Thailand is no different. It is strange to hear some foreigners complain about having to adhere to alternative cultures and mannerisms. The basic rules of etiquette in Thailand are little different to those in other developed nations. It really is little more than a question of being polite and respectful. Achieve this and your vacation will be as big a success as your cosmetic surgery in Thailand.
Thursday, 7 June 2012
Face Lift Procedures in Bangkok Thailand
A Face Lift is a safe, effective and fast procedure. Everyday there are more face lift procedures performed around the world and surgeons offer a wide range of options to get this procedure done with excellent results.
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Liposuction Thailand
LipoSelection Is the latest, third generation ULTRASONIC liposuction technique that is designed to virtually eliminate bleeding during surgery and to reduce inflammation and bruising. Ultrasound technology literally liquefies the fat, which allows for greater precision and vastly superior results. Instead of using a scalpel to remove fat, the skilled surgeons at the Naravee Aesthetic Center in Bangkok, Thailand, will use lasers to quickly and flawlessly remove the unwanted fatty tissue.
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Cosmetic Surgery in Thailand – Is it a Good Choice?
Choosing where to undergo Cosmetic surgery? There are two main issues that will have a strong bearing on your decision. How much? How good? Presuming that you are comfortable with the idea of medical tourism and traveling to get your procedure done, this article is going to consider if it's a good choice to get your cosmetic surgery in Thailand based upon cost and quality.
Q: How much will cosmetic surgery in Thailand cost me?
A: On most procedures you can expect to save from 50% to 70% off most Western country prices. So that quickly dispenses with that question. You will have to look around to ensure that you get the full information, meaning, do make sure you get all the facts, all the costs. If you keep to the hospitals and clinics that specialize in international clients, then you should have a fairly simple time of getting accurate pricing information.
Q: How much will cosmetic surgery in Thailand cost me?
A: On most procedures you can expect to save from 50% to 70% off most Western country prices. So that quickly dispenses with that question. You will have to look around to ensure that you get the full information, meaning, do make sure you get all the facts, all the costs. If you keep to the hospitals and clinics that specialize in international clients, then you should have a fairly simple time of getting accurate pricing information.
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
Looking To Get Facelift Surgery – Destination Thailand
The newest trend these days in the wide world of Facelift Surgery that patients and surgeons are referring to is Medical Tourism and the Medical Tourist. The “Land Of Smiles” otherwise known as Thailand is the destination point Medical Tourists are flocking to for their preferred Facelift surgeries. The capital of Thailand is Bangkok and with its highly experienced surgeons and internationally accredited hospitals and clinics thousands of people globally are making it their choice for Facelift surgery. In addition what makes Thailand especially inviting are the less than expensive costs for procedures and the beautiful beach resorts to recuperate after surgery! FaceLift Thailand.net are the absolute professional service providers when it comes to arranging for Facelift surgery and traveling to Thailand.
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
The Effect that Cosmetic Surgery in Thailand Has Had On The Nation
There are dozens of countries around the world that have benefited from medical tourism but few fared better than Thailand. Cosmetic surgery in Thailand has brought the country from the brink of financial ruin into an era where medical facilities are at their best ever. More than 1.6 million people travel from overseas to get medical treatment in Thailand; much of this is of the cosmetic variety.
There is no denying the financial benefits: Experts believe that medical tourism will be worth a whopping $3.3 billion a year by 2015. But the effects are far beyond just putting more cash into the economy. The rise of cosmetic surgery in Thailand will ensure an even greater level of expertise among the existing surgeons and those coming through the ranks. Not only that, Thai surgeons will continue to get easy access to some of the best medical equipment in the world.
Monday, 14 May 2012
Staying Polite When Having Cosmetic Surgery in Thailand
It is impossible to have cosmetic surgery in Thailand without first taking a look at the local cultures and customs. It would be extremely rude to travel to a nation where things are a little different and not make an attempt to fit in. We must remember that not every country has the same rules of etiquette as we have at home. So if you are one of the estimated 300,000 tourists who visit Thailand each week, it’s important to find out more about how people are expected to behave. We expect those who visit our respective shores to obey the laws of our society and the Thai people are no different.
A Little Extra
If you are from the United States, tipping is expected in your homeland. If you are from a European country, it may or may not be necessary in your society. In Thailand, many restaurants include tips in your final bill as a service charge. This is common practice across the globe so most people will not see this as peculiar. Aside from this service charge, all other forms of tipping are at your discretion. It would be a good time to remind you that most workers earn a less than spectacular wage so if they provide you with first rate service, you should reward them with more than a smile and a ‘thank you’. If you avail of professional services such as a hairdresser’s, it is customary to leave a tip. It is not mandatory to give the surgeon performing your cosmetic surgery in Thailand a tip however!
A Little Extra
If you are from the United States, tipping is expected in your homeland. If you are from a European country, it may or may not be necessary in your society. In Thailand, many restaurants include tips in your final bill as a service charge. This is common practice across the globe so most people will not see this as peculiar. Aside from this service charge, all other forms of tipping are at your discretion. It would be a good time to remind you that most workers earn a less than spectacular wage so if they provide you with first rate service, you should reward them with more than a smile and a ‘thank you’. If you avail of professional services such as a hairdresser’s, it is customary to leave a tip. It is not mandatory to give the surgeon performing your cosmetic surgery in Thailand a tip however!
Thursday, 10 May 2012
The Economic Rationale For Having Cosmetic Surgery Thailand
Up until a few years ago, having cosmetic surgery Thailand was deemed to be nothing more than a way for wealthy people to find a less expensive alternative to something they could already afford. However, the cost of basic cosmetic surgery Thailand is so low that the price of the flight, accommodation, entertainment, food and procedure is still far less than if you had the same operation in a Western hospital. Read more about cosmetic surgery Thailand
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Is Breast Augmentation in Thailand The Right Choice For Me?
Breast augmentation in Thailand is an affordable and easy way to give women the chance to improve the shape of their breasts while also correcting any defects or injuries. Breast augmentation can firm up your breasts, giving them an aesthetically pleasing look while greatly improving the confidence of the patient. However, not all women are ideal candidates for breast augmentation Thailand.
Am I Ready?
You will not be allowed to benefit from breast augmentation until you have spoken to the surgeon who will evaluate you. One of the main pieces of information that Thai surgeons will seek is the reason(s) for your surgery. You are an excellent candidate for breast augmentation in Thailand if you:Read more
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Cosmetic Surgery Thailand Caters To All Nationalities
Go to any Thai clinic and you will find no legacy of any downturn in the world’s financial fortunes as hundreds of thousands of men and women make the long but rewarding journey to have Cosmetic surgery Thailand. People come from several thousand miles away to have one of the dozens of procedures on offer from the hundreds of clinics that provide five star services to all patients. You know that Thailand is a special place when so many people are willing to traverse half the globe in order to have their body altered by a Thai surgeon. It is an understatement to say that Cosmetic surgery Thailand is popular. One hospital in Bangkok treated 150,000 patients from overseas in a single year!
Seal Of Approval
A quick look at the pricelist of any US or UK clinic helps explain one of the reasons why Cosmetic surgery Thailand is so popular. The average cost of a lower body lift in the United States is over $7,200. In Thailand, the same procedure can be carried out to an equal or higher standard for just $3,000. A facelift in a US clinic will cost an average of $6,200. You can transform your face in a Thai clinic for anywhere between $2,000-$3,000. Procedures such as liposuction and hair transplants are also carried out in Thai hospitals. The lofty reputation afforded to such clinics was showcased in 2006 when Girija Prasad Koirala, Prime Minister of Nepal, needed surgery. He could have gone to any hospital anywhere in the world. He deliberately chose Bangkok. It’s hard to think of a better seal of approval than one from a Head of State!
Government Aid
The Thai government deserves a lot of credit for its role in promoting medical tourism by improving the standards of clinics, staff and surgeons. Cynics may say that this is a natural response to an industry that generates around 100 million baht a day for the Thai economy but it is the government’s funding and general backing that has made medical tourism possible in the country. There are hundreds of private clinics available to supplement the government backed hospitals.
Another reason why Cosmetic surgery Thailand is so popular is because of the attention to detail shown by clinics. Surgeons and staff are often trained overseas and state-of-the-art equipment comes as standard. On top of all this, Thai clinics cater to a wide range of nationalities. For example, certain clinics have specific Japanese wings with multilingual staff making the whole experience as pleasant as possible. In fact, certain hospital groups have an army of interpreters with the ability to speak more than 20 languages in total. This is most reassuring for patients who arrive and are unable to speak either English or Thai.
It seems as if Thai clinics have covered all the bases in terms of attracting patients from all over the world. It is clear that Cosmetic surgery Thailand is going to go from strength to strength in the very near future. Those who are hoping for its demise will be very disappointed.
If you would like to know more about cosmetic surgery Thailand,Then please visit Naravee Cosmetic Surgery Thailand http://www.naraveesurgery.com
Seal Of Approval
A quick look at the pricelist of any US or UK clinic helps explain one of the reasons why Cosmetic surgery Thailand is so popular. The average cost of a lower body lift in the United States is over $7,200. In Thailand, the same procedure can be carried out to an equal or higher standard for just $3,000. A facelift in a US clinic will cost an average of $6,200. You can transform your face in a Thai clinic for anywhere between $2,000-$3,000. Procedures such as liposuction and hair transplants are also carried out in Thai hospitals. The lofty reputation afforded to such clinics was showcased in 2006 when Girija Prasad Koirala, Prime Minister of Nepal, needed surgery. He could have gone to any hospital anywhere in the world. He deliberately chose Bangkok. It’s hard to think of a better seal of approval than one from a Head of State!
Government Aid
The Thai government deserves a lot of credit for its role in promoting medical tourism by improving the standards of clinics, staff and surgeons. Cynics may say that this is a natural response to an industry that generates around 100 million baht a day for the Thai economy but it is the government’s funding and general backing that has made medical tourism possible in the country. There are hundreds of private clinics available to supplement the government backed hospitals.
Another reason why Cosmetic surgery Thailand is so popular is because of the attention to detail shown by clinics. Surgeons and staff are often trained overseas and state-of-the-art equipment comes as standard. On top of all this, Thai clinics cater to a wide range of nationalities. For example, certain clinics have specific Japanese wings with multilingual staff making the whole experience as pleasant as possible. In fact, certain hospital groups have an army of interpreters with the ability to speak more than 20 languages in total. This is most reassuring for patients who arrive and are unable to speak either English or Thai.
It seems as if Thai clinics have covered all the bases in terms of attracting patients from all over the world. It is clear that Cosmetic surgery Thailand is going to go from strength to strength in the very near future. Those who are hoping for its demise will be very disappointed.
If you would like to know more about cosmetic surgery Thailand,Then please visit Naravee Cosmetic Surgery Thailand http://www.naraveesurgery.com
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Staying Sensible While Having Cosmetic Surgery in Thailand
No matter where you go, having a certain level of self-respect and respect for others will take you a long way. Thailand has experienced a rise in the number of tourists who visit each year. The rate of tourist increase is anywhere between 15-20% with many seeking inexpensive cosmetic surgery in Thailand. Amid this influx of foreign visitors are some who unfortunately don’t take Thai customs and codes of behavior very seriously. These are individuals who ruin what should be a majestic experience as their conduct is not welcome. If you are unfamiliar with some customs that is perfectly understandable which is why we are giving you a brief guide.
Although you have traveled this far to have cosmetic surgery in Thailand, it would be a real shame not to have treasured memories of your vacation. Aside from the obvious ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures of yourself, it is only natural to take photos of Thailand’s incredible array of sights. You will not find more extraordinary temples anywhere in the world than in Thailand for example. However, you need to be aware that certain buildings simply don’t allow photos to be taken. This is usually the case in areas that are considered sacred in Buddhism. Likewise, monks often don’t take kindly to having their photo taken. Certain tribes in Thailand believe that photographs capture their soul (a similar belief is shared by some Native American tribes) and will never allow a picture to be taken of them.
A Royal Mess
Did you know that defacing images of Queen Elizabeth II of England can be considered treasonous behavior in the UK? This is also the case in Thailand where criticizing the Royal Family in public or damaging property with their image on it are arrestable offences. The King and the rest of Thailand’s royalty are held in the highest regard by Thais so disrespect towards them is not tolerated. The last thing you want is to have cosmetic surgery in Thailand and spend the rest of your vacation explaining yourself to the authorities.
A common misconception among those who are thinking of having cosmetic surgery in Thailand and turning the experience into a vacation is that Thailand is a nation where ‘anything goes’. Western media have a habit of misrepresenting South East Asia and their assertions that Thailand is a country for wild partying are not entirely true. There is no doubt that Thai cities have fabulous nightlife but people’s behavior during the day is extremely mild. Public nudity is not allowed and there are no topless beaches in Thailand. Thai people are modest in nature so keep yourself covered up! Keep your partying urges for after dark!
As cosmetic surgery in Thailand is performed by surgeons who are trained in US and European hospitals, you can rest assured that the procedure will be an unmitigated success. The rest of your enjoyment depends entirely on how you behave. Respect local traditions and the Thai culture and you can be sure that you’ll never have a better vacation in your life.
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Etiquette Tips When Having Cosmetic Surgery In Thailand
Although your focus will be on having cosmetic surgery Thailand, you need to be aware of certain things in order to make it the most memorable vacation of your life. One of the most important aspects of going abroad is respecting the culture and traditions of the local people. Thai residents are friendly and accommodating but there are a few points of etiquette you should be aware of to avoid misunderstandings.
For example, your feet are for walking only and not for pointing at things or touching people. In most parts of Asia, the foot is the 'lowest' or dirtiest part of the body so if you accidentally touch someone with your foot, touch the person's arm with your hand and then touch your head as a means of apology. Avoid putting your feet up on tables and chairs in Thailand also. While we're on the subject, don't touch a Thai on their head or ruffle their hair as the head is seen as the 'highest' and most spiritual point on the body. Read More
Monday, 19 March 2012
Stem Cell Transfer Eliminates Side Effects After Breast Augmentation In Thailand
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Cosmetic Surgery In Thailand: The Real Story
Although an economic recession has picked the collective pockets of hundreds of millions of people around the world, cosmetic surgery Thailand has actually increased in popularity. In fact, surgery for aesthetic purposes is now more popular than ever all around the world. Even in the United States where every procedure is at least twice the price as it is in Thailand, there were almost 14 million cosmetic procedures in 2011 at a cost of more than $10 billion in total. In all, plastic surgery in the United States has increased by 5% from its 2010 level but this figure is well down on increases the industry enjoyed at the beginning of the 21st century.
Remarkable Savings
Some may point to the recession as a reason why more people are not going under the knife but the truth is, cosmetic surgery in Thailand is increasing at a far quicker rate. Having any cosmetic procedure in a Thai clinic is liable to save you several thousand dollars. A famous example of saving money by having any kind of surgery in Thailand came from a man who had an operation in Bangkok for $12,000 that would have cost him $100,000 in the United States. Needless to say, the operation was a complete success and he was delighted with the results. That Thai surgeons are so good so comes as no surprise since the majority of cosmetic surgeons currently working in Thailand gained a degree from abroad. And besides, Thai universities are now capable of producing surgeons of the same quality as any European or American college.
UK Healthcare Crisis
Even patients from the United Kingdom are beginning to understand the advantages of cosmetic surgery in Thailand. The British health service is in a complete mess at the moment so it is difficult to find qualified cosmetic surgeons. It is not uncommon for a patient to be operated on by a surgeon who does not specialize in the stated cosmetic procedure. Despite the skill of the surgeon in his/her own field, it does not translate to a different area and this can lead to less than desirable results.
This, along with the huge savings, is one of the main reasons why UK residents go abroad and look for cosmetic surgery Thailand. Thousands of UK citizens who went to Thailand for plastic surgery have been interviewed over the last number of years and asked to give an account of their experience. An incredible 97% of those asked would definitely have the procedure in Thailand again with 96% of people saying that they would use the same clinic again and the same percentage claimed that they would recommend the clinic to a friend or relative.
Such an overwhelmingly positive response probably comes as a shock to those who still hang on to the outdated belief that cosmetic surgery in Thailand is somehow inferior to countries like the US and UK. As these so-called economic giants muddle from one crisis to the next, leaving their healthcare system in a sorry mess, it seems as if the worm has turned and Thailand is one of the safest places of all to have cosmetic surgery.
Remarkable Savings
Some may point to the recession as a reason why more people are not going under the knife but the truth is, cosmetic surgery in Thailand is increasing at a far quicker rate. Having any cosmetic procedure in a Thai clinic is liable to save you several thousand dollars. A famous example of saving money by having any kind of surgery in Thailand came from a man who had an operation in Bangkok for $12,000 that would have cost him $100,000 in the United States. Needless to say, the operation was a complete success and he was delighted with the results. That Thai surgeons are so good so comes as no surprise since the majority of cosmetic surgeons currently working in Thailand gained a degree from abroad. And besides, Thai universities are now capable of producing surgeons of the same quality as any European or American college.
UK Healthcare Crisis
Even patients from the United Kingdom are beginning to understand the advantages of cosmetic surgery in Thailand. The British health service is in a complete mess at the moment so it is difficult to find qualified cosmetic surgeons. It is not uncommon for a patient to be operated on by a surgeon who does not specialize in the stated cosmetic procedure. Despite the skill of the surgeon in his/her own field, it does not translate to a different area and this can lead to less than desirable results.
This, along with the huge savings, is one of the main reasons why UK residents go abroad and look for cosmetic surgery Thailand. Thousands of UK citizens who went to Thailand for plastic surgery have been interviewed over the last number of years and asked to give an account of their experience. An incredible 97% of those asked would definitely have the procedure in Thailand again with 96% of people saying that they would use the same clinic again and the same percentage claimed that they would recommend the clinic to a friend or relative.
Such an overwhelmingly positive response probably comes as a shock to those who still hang on to the outdated belief that cosmetic surgery in Thailand is somehow inferior to countries like the US and UK. As these so-called economic giants muddle from one crisis to the next, leaving their healthcare system in a sorry mess, it seems as if the worm has turned and Thailand is one of the safest places of all to have cosmetic surgery.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
The procedure will entail the surgeon inserting a narrow tube known as a cannula through a small incision generally in the navel area or just below the waist line. The cannula is then pushed and pulled back and forth through the fat layers breaking up the fat cells and suctioning them out. After the procedure you will be required to wear a special supportive bandage wrap around the treated area. (more…)
Monday, 12 March 2012
A Brief History of Medical Tourism and Why Cosmetic Surgery in Thailand is so Popular
Essentially, the term ‘medical tourism’ relates to the practice of traveling overseas specifically to have a medical procedure performed. It is becoming increasingly common for people to have cosmetic surgery in Thailand while on vacation in this stunning country. There are a number of reasons why medical tourism became popular:
- Higher costs of healthcare in the West despite declining standards
- Excessive waiting times for procedures
- Ease and affordability of international travel
- Improvements in overseas clinics
Ancient History
Believe it or not, medical tourism is actually several thousand years old. Greek pilgrims traveled to the Saronic Gulf in order to be healed. It was a substantial journey at the time as transport was slow and the path to the Gulf could be treacherous. There are accounts of people visiting various health spas in the UK during the 18th century as these places allegedly contained mineral waters which improved the health of those who bathed in them.
Modern day medical tourism can be traced back to the 1980s when health costs rose exponentially in countries like the United States. Americans started traveling to Costa Rica for dental treatments not covered by their insurance. By 1990, Cuba was starting to welcome foreign visitors who sought cheap but good quality healthcare.
Medical Tourism in Thailand
Cosmetic surgery Thailand really took off in the late 20th century when the nation’s economy collapsed. The Thai government saw the rise of medical tourism and invested heavily in clinics with staff and surgeons educated overseas. The most modern technology was purchased and Thailand soon saw its reputation for low-cost, premium quality surgery enhanced.
There are now more than 1,000 clinics that perform cosmetic surgery Thailand, some of which are government backed though there are an impressive number of private clinics as well. Thailand now welcomes medical tourists from more than 190 countries and can boast medical facilities that match those of any other country in the world.
Sunday, 11 March 2012
Thailand For Your Facelift Surgery
The traditional facelift Thailand procedure requires a local anesthetic, with a scalpel an incision is made next to the ear that allows the underlying skin tissue to be stretched and sutured. This is a one time technique usually for someone with obvious sign of aging. This procedure does require a significant recovery period which is why Thailand is so popular with its many resorts your recovery can be accomplished as simply as relaxing on the beach!
Read more here http://www.faceliftthailand.net/blog/2012/03/thailand-for-your-facelift-surgery/
Read more here http://www.faceliftthailand.net/blog/2012/03/thailand-for-your-facelift-surgery/
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Why The Public Finally Accept Cosmetic Surgery Thailand
Something amazing is happening. Cosmetic surgery Thailand has finally been accepted by the general public. Whether this is the influence of celebrities or because society finally understands that going under the knife is preferable to premature aging is unknown, though perhaps the former has led to the latter. In any event, statistics from the United States show the upward trend in cosmetic surgery Thailand acceptance. More than 50% of U.S citizens say that plastic surgery is ok and this trend is mirrored throughout the world.
Up until less than 10 years ago, even celebrities were mocked for their willingness to undergo cosmetic surgery which is why so many of them denied having it. Plastic surgery was seen as the preserve of vainglorious, spoiled millionaires who were unsatisfied with what God gave them. It led to 'who do they think they are?' type comments from the public who were growing tired of public figures trying to be something they are not.
Fast forward to today and you see a very different attitude. Celebrities not only admit their surgery, they promote the clinic where they had it performed. They make sure that cameras pick up where the surgery took place on their body and flaunt it to the world. The general public has seen this, taken a look in the mirror and decided enough was enough. Thanks to cosmetic surgery Thailand in the Naravee Aesthetic Center, it's now affordable as regular people combine the procedure with a vacation.
High quality surgeons are able to make you look a decade younger in minutes, removing wrinkles and excess weight while tightening skin. No wonder these men and women with their magic anti-aging wands are all the rage. Despite the fact that more Westerners than ever before are approving and having cosmetic surgery, the amount of procedures performed in the West is reducing year after year. This is because people in these regions know of low cost surgery in Thailand which gives them the same or better results. It's affordable, fast and takes place in one of the world's most beautiful countries. Looking younger has never been more in vogue or accessible!
Nose Surgery Thailand - Potential Side Effects
At Naravee, we have surgeons who specialize in nose surgery and augmentation. We understand how self-conscious people feel and how a simple procedure can change their life for the better. Successful surgery will result in your nose being reshaped in a way that promotes a higher degree of self-confidence. We also perform nose surgery to improve a patient’s breathing.
Before having nose surgery, our surgeons will ensure that you’re ready for the procedure. We recommend that teenagers avoid the procedure for a few years and we will never perform any operation on a patient that does not satisfy our health requirements. Those having nose surgery Thailand should have a specific goal in mind which we can help you achieve. Finally, smokers are not encouraged to have this procedure.
Although Naravee have a perfect record when it comes to surgery, we are obliged to inform you of issues that may arise after the surgery. For example, common side effects include bleeding, infection and potential hematoma. None of these problems are serious and all can be dealt with by our expert surgeons.
Before having nose surgery, our surgeons will ensure that you’re ready for the procedure. We recommend that teenagers avoid the procedure for a few years and we will never perform any operation on a patient that does not satisfy our health requirements. Those having nose surgery Thailand should have a specific goal in mind which we can help you achieve. Finally, smokers are not encouraged to have this procedure.
Although Naravee have a perfect record when it comes to surgery, we are obliged to inform you of issues that may arise after the surgery. For example, common side effects include bleeding, infection and potential hematoma. None of these problems are serious and all can be dealt with by our expert surgeons.
Nose surgery is a significant procedure and each patient will have their own individual side effects. For example, you may feel a degree of pain afterwards because your nasal cartilage and bone has been altered. Generally, medication can be prescribed to soothe this pain.
You may experience swelling around the nose and eyes. Again, this is quite common and can last for up to 2 weeks. Expect to have bruising around this area for a number of days afterwards. You must have patience because the final, noticeable changes made by nose surgery Thailand may take up to 6 months to fully appear. At Naravee, our surgeons will ensure that your side effects will be kept to a minimum. Besides, what’s a few weeks of recovery compared to a lifetime of having a nose to be proud of?
Do You Need A Facelift?
No one likes to admit it, but signs of aging can spring up unexpectedly. One day you’re young, fresh-faced and vibrant but this seemingly changes overnight as the ravages of aging turn you into an old, wrinkled and tired looking individual. A generation ago, a facelift was seen as a last resort for the wealthy. Not surprising considering the excessive pricing of such a procedure.
Thanks to top clinics like Naravee in Thailand however, when you experience the signs of aging, you can have a facelift, recover in a single day and only spend a couple of thousand dollars. So, how do you know when you need a facelift? The jaw line is one of the first places that aging strikes. Gravity and aging combine to cause the skin around the jaw line to sag, resulting in jowls. You can use a facelift in Thailand to tighten this skin and take years off your appearance in hours.
We are all aware of the effect that loose skin has on our face. However, when it starts to sag down towards the neck it causes a striking visual effect. Your skin sags and appears as an unsightly mess on your face. With a facelift in Thailand, you can not only tighten the skin, you can also deal with any fat and muscle that lies beneath. A facelift firms up the entire region, leading to a youthful appearance and profound aesthetic beauty.
Thanks to top clinics like Naravee in Thailand however, when you experience the signs of aging, you can have a facelift, recover in a single day and only spend a couple of thousand dollars. So, how do you know when you need a facelift? The jaw line is one of the first places that aging strikes. Gravity and aging combine to cause the skin around the jaw line to sag, resulting in jowls. You can use a facelift in Thailand to tighten this skin and take years off your appearance in hours.
We are all aware of the effect that loose skin has on our face. However, when it starts to sag down towards the neck it causes a striking visual effect. Your skin sags and appears as an unsightly mess on your face. With a facelift in Thailand, you can not only tighten the skin, you can also deal with any fat and muscle that lies beneath. A facelift firms up the entire region, leading to a youthful appearance and profound aesthetic beauty.
There is no doubt that a firm jaw is the hallmark of a strong, youthful, healthy individual. When the aging process starts to take hold however, the loose skin causes this tight skin to disappear. As a result, you look fatigued, aged and unhealthy. A facelift in the Naravee clinic will see your facial tissues repositioned and restore your face to its former glory. In general, facelift in Thailand involve incisions behind the ear after the patient is anesthetised. The whole procedure could be concluded in 2 hours and with a 99%+ satisfaction rate at less than half the cost of a Western clinic, Thailand holds the mantle as the world’s premier destination for facelifts and all other cosmetic procedures.
Signs Of Poor Plastic Surgery
Good plastic surgery can make you look 10 or more years younger. Unskilled surgeons on the other hand, can make a patient look like something out of a Hammer Horror film. Look through any number of Hollywood gossip sites and you’ll see almost daily pictures of botched surgery. What do all these people have in common? Not one of them had their surgery in Thailand. Instead, they used ‘tried and trusted’ Western surgeons who made mistakes under pressure.
One of the most common symptoms of poor surgery is a scar behind the ear after a facelift. It’s extremely common among the American social elite. So much so that it’s called the Country Club ear scar. At Naravee, the surgeons perform the procedure in the right way. This involves repair of the muscle tissue with a tiny incision made under the chin.
At Naravee, nose jobs are a work of art as the surgeons skillfully remove bumps as well as reshaping the nose if necessary. Poorly skilled surgeons will perform a surgery that ends up creating weird angles in the nose that simply doesn’t look natural. At Naravee, nose augmentation is so well performed that strangers will not be able to tell that you had surgery. Obviously, family and friends will know because your nose will look the best it’s ever been.
Another sign of a poor facelift is when surgeons cut corners by stitching skin towards the ears. Surgeons at Naravee plastic surgery in Thailand perform facelifts the proper way. They use their skill and produce a vertical orientation lift for a natural look that results in the whole face looking radiant and youthful. Poor surgeons end up pulling the skin horizontally which makes the patient look older and bedraggled.
If you’re looking for great plastic surgery Thailand, choose Naravee where the surgeons are trained overseas and are meticulous in everything they do. At Naravee plastic surgery Thailand, we don’t cut corners, we give 100%.
Why The Public Finally Accept Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in Thailand
Something amazing is happening. Cosmetic surgery Thailand has finally been accepted by the general public. Whether this is the influence of celebrities or because society finally understands that going under the knife is preferable to premature aging is unknown, though perhaps the former has led to the latter. In any event, statistics from the United States show the upward trend in cosmetic surgery acceptance. More than 50% of U.S citizens say that plastic surgery Thailand is ok and this trend is mirrored throughout the world.
Up until less than 10 years ago, even celebrities were mocked for their willingness to undergo cosmetic surgery which is why so many of them denied having it. Plastic surgery was seen as the preserve of vainglorious, spoiled millionaires who were unsatisfied with what God gave them. It led to ‘who do they think they are?’type comments from the public who were growing tired of public figures trying to be something they are not.
Fast forward to today and you see a very different attitude. Celebrities not only admit their surgery, they promote the clinic where they had it performed. They make sure that cameras pick up where the surgery took place on their body and flaunt it to the world. The general public has seen this, taken a look in the mirror and decided enough was enough. Thanks to plastic surgery Thailand in the Naravee clinic, it’s now affordable as regular people combine the procedure with a vacation.
Up until less than 10 years ago, even celebrities were mocked for their willingness to undergo cosmetic surgery which is why so many of them denied having it. Plastic surgery was seen as the preserve of vainglorious, spoiled millionaires who were unsatisfied with what God gave them. It led to ‘who do they think they are?’type comments from the public who were growing tired of public figures trying to be something they are not.
Fast forward to today and you see a very different attitude. Celebrities not only admit their surgery, they promote the clinic where they had it performed. They make sure that cameras pick up where the surgery took place on their body and flaunt it to the world. The general public has seen this, taken a look in the mirror and decided enough was enough. Thanks to plastic surgery Thailand in the Naravee clinic, it’s now affordable as regular people combine the procedure with a vacation.
High quality surgeons are able to make you look a decade younger in minutes, removing wrinkles and excess weight while tightening skin. No wonder these men and women with their magic anti-aging wands are all the rage. Despite the fact that more Westerners than ever before are approving and having cosmetic surgery, the amount of procedures performed in the West is reducing year after year. This is because people in these regions know of low cost surgery in Thailand which gives them the same or better results. It’s affordable, fast and takes place in one of the world’s most beautiful countries. Looking younger has never been more in vogue or accessible!
What To Do When You Have Bad Surgery?
The first step is to contact the surgeon who performed the surgery and arrange for an appointment. There is always the chance that the problems you are experiencing are part and parcel of the recovery process. Therefore, you can’t go looking for a lawyer just yet! If it turns out to be a serious problem, you may be offered additional surgery free of charge.
Nose Surgery: Potential Side Effects
At Naravee, we have surgeons who specialize in nose surgery and augmentation. We understand how self-conscious people feel and how a simple procedure can change their life for the better. Successful surgery will result in your nose being reshaped in a way that promotes a higher degree of self-confidence. We also perform nose surgery to improve a patient’s breathing.
Before having nose surgery , our surgeons will ensure that you’re ready for the procedure. We recommend that teenagers avoid the procedure for a few years and we will never perform any operation on a patient that does not satisfy our health requirements. Those having nose surgery Thailand should have a specific goal in mind which we can help you achieve. Finally, smokers are not encouraged to have this procedure.
Although Naravee have a perfect record when it comes to surgery, we are obliged to inform you of issues that may arise after the surgery. For example, common side effects include bleeding, infection and potential hematoma. None of these problems are serious and all can be dealt with by our expert surgeons.
Before having nose surgery , our surgeons will ensure that you’re ready for the procedure. We recommend that teenagers avoid the procedure for a few years and we will never perform any operation on a patient that does not satisfy our health requirements. Those having nose surgery Thailand should have a specific goal in mind which we can help you achieve. Finally, smokers are not encouraged to have this procedure.
Although Naravee have a perfect record when it comes to surgery, we are obliged to inform you of issues that may arise after the surgery. For example, common side effects include bleeding, infection and potential hematoma. None of these problems are serious and all can be dealt with by our expert surgeons.
Nose surgery Thailand is a significant procedure and each patient will have their own individual side effects. For example, you may feel a degree of pain afterwards because your nasal cartilage and bone has been altered. Generally, medication can be prescribed to soothe this pain.
You may experience swelling around the nose and eyes. Again, this is quite common and can last for up to 2 weeks. Expect to have bruising around this area for a number of days afterwards. You must have patience because the final, noticeable changes made by nose surgery may take up to 6 months to fully appear. At Naravee, our surgeons will ensure that your side effects will be kept to a minimum. Besides, what’s a few weeks of recovery compared to a lifetime of having a nose to be proud of?
Cosmetic Surgery In Thailand: Vaser vs. Traditional Liposuction
With hordes of medical tourists swarming overseas for affordable elective procedures, the merits of cosmetic surgery in Thailand are becoming more familiar to people in the West. No longer can the media spin the tired old stories relating to unsafe clinics. Millions of men and women have enjoyed cosmetic surgery in Thailand and are aware of the world class facilities, surgeons and equipment used. A host of clinics in Thailand now perform Vaser liposuction. This is a new form of cosmetic surgery in Thailand and one which is said to outperform its traditional counterpart.
Traditional Swelling
Both procedures begin similarly enough with the patient injected with anesthesia. However, this is where the similarities end and the benefits of Vaser liposuction in Thailand become very apparent. Traditional liposuction involves a surgeon placing a metal tube into the patient’s body. This can lead to a great degree of swelling and discomfort and is one of the least comfortable forms of cosmetic surgery in Thailand.
Less Side Effects
It is fortunate than that a number of Thai centers utilize the advanced technology of Vaser liposuction. As this form of surgery uses ultrasound, there is less stress placed on the patient’s body. Blood vessels and nerves are left untouched for example leading to less tissue damage and a speedier recovery time. Instead of sucking lumps of fat from the body, Vaser liposuction first liquefies the mass before removal. This smooth procedure is one of the most pleasant forms of cosmetic surgery in Thailand.
Thanks to the magic of Vaser liposuction, you may not even have to spend a single night in hospital. This enables you to enjoy the wonders of Thailand. With traditional liposuction on the other hand, there will be a brief convalescing period. It would appear that Vaser liposuction is the best choice. However, regardless of what type of cosmetic surgery Thailand you choose, you are guaranteed five star service with the procedure performed by the world’s best surgeons.
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